Introductory Questions

1. My name is Blair Migdal. I am a junior pursuing a BFA in Communication Design with a minor in Pyschology.

2. My background is in design. I am taking this class because it is required and I am interested in learning how to design for websites and on the screen.

3. I have a little bit of experience using HTML/CSS for Typography last spring but not very much.

4. One thing I hope to learn in this class is how to use Figma. I have played around with it a little bit for various assignments and workshops but I want to gain skills in using and designing with it.

5. One was I expect designing for screen to be different from designing for paper is that it is less intuitive of how it looks because you have to save and test your works constantly to see how your changes look.

6. One website that I think exemplifies effective design is The People's Graphic Design Archive. I often use this website for finding inspiration and examples. I like the layout with the search bar at the top. The individual sources are also nicely designed and include the necessary information like artist, date, title. I like how the search allows you to customize the size of the items and refine the search based on title, date, and format.

7. One website that exemplifies effective communication is AP News. It does not feel too overwhelming compared to other news sites. I like the sections at the top and some short headlines of current news as well. The layout feels clear and searchable although it is pretty simple.

8. One website that works well is MoMA. It directs users between visiting in person, exhibitions, events, shopping, archives. The typeface unifies the website nicely on a website with lots of information and choices. There are effective filters for searching similarly to the People's Graphic Design Archive but with more options.